September 26 is my birthday. This is my first time to observe my birthday in Canada, in fact, I am not a person who care about birthday much. So as a low-profile person, I don't want to celebrate it and others know this date as well.
In the beginning, I thought things will go as I thought. But in the end, the opposite was not. I had special memories here and I appreciated my hostess to take me to the Vietnam restaurant to taste the delicious food, then gave me the present.
You know what's the main reason that I don't want to observe my birthday?? Because I don't like the situation and the atmosphore. I felt shy and I wouldn't know what I should say. I thanks you of course but.... you know, I blushed and stunned.
Anyway, I ordered the beef noodle in the restaurant. I like it, absolutely. I like the broth and the noodle, I havne't eaten such delicious food for days... I mean, the food as like as Taiwanese food. I miss them.
After that, Jill and Richared gave me the birthday present. One was a cloth bought in Gap, the other one was crossword( she knew that I am a gambler...)
I lke them, and I won the 3 dollars. Ha ha. Thank you Jill, I am happy, really.
This week, we have been busy for 4 days. That was passport party!! I really love it. It was held once a year, but because it was so popular, the schoold tend to hold it again. I am so lucky that I have this party this year, I love it so much.
You know what? We got the first place! I was crying while I heard the annoucement. I was beside myself, I still disbelieve it. For sure, after I visited other countries classroom, I had a sign we would get the first place. But I still couldn't believe now. Because we had no idea how to decorate the room, how to organize the activity, and what kind of food were suit for serving. We considered the money, the time and the possibility.
I am so touched, everyone works on our country. It makes us know how much we miss Taiwan and how great we are! Some prepare for the food, some do the stage proverties , and some others write the articles. We are like an alliance, get together to fight other country. And the truth was proven that we won the war.
This is called united power!!!
I was responsible for calligraphy, but I havn't written it for years, but this stand attracted a lot of people. Because western people are curious about their chinese name. Good idea, isn't it? And a teacher of mine who was praying to the God. This activity is called { 擲筊杯). Hope your dream will come true.
Yes, eveyone jumped as soon as we heard the announcement!!!! We were so high and I was crying. See Taiwanese's flag! We are champions!!
Everyone signed their name on the flag. We want to keep it to be our memory.
Of course, Taiwan's education is successful!! We never forget to appreciate our teacher and leader as well. We gave him the notebook and food ( 茶葉蛋) to express our appreciations.
We took photo with everybody. I love you all, really. I love this game, apparently!